Every kind of negative ancestral memory that isn't processed leaves a scar. Based on epigenetics, scars are DNA mutations. There also are scars from parenting, and I may add, those from the adult world that the children are exposed to outside of home, Scars affect the fluidity of the heart making us, whenever we feel personally, socially, spiritually and collectively threatened, fall into fear and all the emotions it evokes. Consequently, we descend into conflict with ourselves and others. Unaddressed, negative ancestral memories are the basis for intergenerational trauma. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/10/trauma-inherited-generations/573055/
A new study on Civil War prisoners adds to the evidence suggesting that our parents’—and even grandparents’—experiences might affect our DNA. They found that the sons of Union Army soldiers who endured grueling conditions as prisoners of war were more likely to die young than the sons of soldiers who were not prisoners. This is despite the fact that the sons were born after the war, so they couldn’t have experienced its horrors personally. In other words, it seemed like the stresses of war were getting passed down between generations.
The trauma could have been transmitted through parenting rather than epigenetics. Something about the POW experience, for example, might have made those veterans poor fathers, to the detriment of their sons' lives. The psychological impact of growing up with a parent who starved as a child or survived the Holocaust could itself be enough to shape a child's behavior. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/07/parents-emotional-trauma-may-change-their-children-s-biology-studies-mice-show-how
When we resolve to heal the heart, the four elements -water, fire, air and earth- as expressed in the natural world and in our bodies are our best friends. They have the capacity to reabsorb the energy attached to negative ancestral memories, freeing us of the emotions they evoke.
When this happens, the fluidity of the heart is reestablished, and we become emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually more sound. Our capacity to discern what really matters in our lives increases, and we gain the much needed agility and resilience we seek and need.
Embedded in our ancestral memories, there is also wisdom.
Contemplative Practice

Duration Time: 30 minutes. Place: garden, park, water fountain, creek, mountains. Make it somewhere of your choosing in nature.
1) Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in as you slowly count 1-2-3-4. Visualize the energy of the element (water, fire, air or earth) you are focusing on coming out and into your body. Exhale while counting 1-2-3-4-5-6 and visualizing the energy returning back to the element. Repeat 3 times. Open your eyes, contemplate your surroundings, and then begin the written exercise.
2) Write down the first painful memory you can recall having.
3) Contemplate what you wrote, letting the emotions it may evoke flow. And as you may cry, feeling sad or angry, see the emotion as emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual energy coming out and joining the flow of your element of choice.
Follow Up: Notice any changes. Write about it. Treasure whatever relief or comfort you may have felt. Use an image that represents it in your daily meditation. Talk about it
with a close friend or your therapist.
NOTE: This is the second in a series of posts about Ancestral Memories, based on some of the real life stories from my book Uprooting Fear - The Heart's Accidental Journey to the Divine.
Healing the heart is our most essential task. Doing so is a matter of personal choice.
#evolution #ancestral #intergeneracionaltrauma #eagle #condor #heart #fear #divine #journey #vital #mind #insight

Time is Consciousness
passing through Eternity
I work spiritually, decoding ancient memories that give way to consciousness. I appreciate and value your opinion. Feel free to comment! admin@auracamachomaas.com
Copyright © Aura Camacho-Maas – August 2020. All rights reserved.