#ancestralenvironment #readaptation #evolution #mutation #vital #contemplation #consciousness y #environment #plasticity #inhale #exhale

Our Genetic Ancestral history is a first step
DNA studies tell us that from bacteria to vertebrates organisms remember their ancestral environments.
Changes in gene activity alter an organism's phenotype, which includes its morphology, behavior and physiology. A phenotype is an individual's observable traits, such as height, eye color, and blood type. The genetic contribution to the phenotype is called the genotype. The term phenotypic plasticity refers to environmentally induced phenotypic changes that do not involve genetic mutations. "Past is prologue: Genetic 'memory' of ancestral environments helps organisms readapt."
Contemplative Practice

Duration Time: 10 minutes. Place: garden, park -under a tree or at home next to a plant. 1) Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in as you count 1-2-3-4. and visualize the energy from the earth going up the trunk or body of the tree or other plant Exhale while counting 1-2-3-4-5-6 and visualizing the energy returning to the ground . Repeat 3 times. Open your eyes, contemplate your surroundings, and then begin the written exercise.
2) Write down what first comes to mind about your genetic history. Revisit what you wrote down later.
3) Follow Up: Have a DNA test. Contemplate what you already knew and what in the test's results surprised you.
NOTE: This is the first on a series of posts about Ancestral Memories based on some of the real life stories from my book Uprooting Fear - The Heart's Accidental Journey to the Divine.

Time is Consciousness
passing through Eternity.
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